See a problem in else if statement

Dangling else problem

Hello, This problem comes when we use else if statement and do some mistake more describe is given below......... Dangling else problem: One of the major problem with nested if is dangling else problem. The problem arises when both outer if statement inner if statement might pair with common else statement. Thus the compiler is not able to judge to pair the else with which statement. The solution to this problem is given by the compiler that it pairs else with the recent if thus sometimes giving wrong result.                                           Hence the programmer should put early bracket wherever required. This post is may very short because my only aim was to describe this problem. Thank you, Keep supporting............. 

Different Types of Codes

Hello guys, you are learning C language Here you many times hear name ASCII code and other codes now today in my this post you will learn about all codes.
firstly i tell you that i will tell about 4 codes.....................

BCD Code: 

( Binary coded decimal )

Here each digit of decimal no. is represented by it binary equivalent.Four bit code that represents one of the ten decimal digits from 0 to 9.
(37)base 10 is represented as 0011 0111 using BCD code, rather than (100101) base 2 in straight binary code.Thus BCD code requires more bits than straight binary code.Still it is suitable for input and input operations in digital systems.


(Extended binary coded decimal for interchange code)

In this code it is possible to represented 256 different characters.It is an eight bit code.8-bit alphanumeric code developed by IBM, supports 256 symbols.It was mainly used in IBM mainframe computers.

                                EBCDIC is a character encoding set used by IBM mainframe.Unlike virtually every computer system in the world which uses a variant of ASCII, IBM mainframes and midrange system such as the AS/400 tend to use a wholly incompatible character set primarily designed for ease of use on binary coded Decimal (BCD), so the contiguous characters in a alphanumeric range are formed up in blocks of up to 10 from 0000 binary to 1001 binary,EBCDIC has a wider range of control characters than ASCII.


( American standard code for information interchange)

It represent all 128 English character along with all the special character . Most text editors and word process usually support ASCII code.It is 7-bit or 8-bit a alphanumeric code.7-bit code is standard ASCII supports 127 characters. Standard ASCII series starts from 00h to 7Fh, where 00h-1Fh are used as control characters and 20h-7Fh as graphics symbols.
 8-bit code is extended ASCII supports 256 symbols where special graphics and math's symbols are added.
 Extended ASCII series starts from 80h-FFh.
Ex. A=65  

UNI Code:

Now a days most of the computers use a new code called unicode and it defines an international character set.The unicode can represent all of  the character found in all human languages.Thus becomes possible because Unicode uses 16-bits to represent a character. This is a code which allows interaction and processing of data in all local language of user. This requires support local language character set. It may be a various format like -UTF8( unicode test format ) or UTF-16.



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